Persistent adverse
neurological effects following SSRI discontinuation (PANES).

- Dr Ben Green,
Psychiatrist, Halton Hospital, UK and Hon. Senior Lecturer, University of
Liverpool, UK
- These prolonged
reactions were first described here in Spring 2000. No other reports are known
of, although this condition may well be more widespread than is presently
- Selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) discontinuation syndrome has been described in the
literature as a cluster of symptoms and signs that occur after SSRIs such as
paroxetine, sertraline and fluoxetine have been discontinued Abrupt withdrawal
of antidepressant therapy for 5-8 days is associated with symptoms such as
dizziness, ataxia, paraesthesiae, gastrointestinal and flu-like symptoms, and
other sensory and sleep disturbances. Psychiatric symptoms include anxiety,
agitation, lability of mood, hypersexuality, crying spells, behaviour change
and irritability.
- The SSRI
discontinuation syndrome appears to be most marked with paroxetine and to a
lesser degree sertraline, with few symptoms seen with fluoxetine (Rosenbaum et
al, 1998). The frequency and severity of these symptoms appear to vary
according to the half-life of the SSRI (Schatzberg et al, 1997). Schatzberg et
al comment that most discontinuation symptoms rare 'short-lived', but that
some effects may be longer lasting.
- Traditional
explanations the pharmacology of SSRIs discuss the effects on the postsynaptic
serotonin receptor, but the SSRIs work at a variety of locations and their
effects reverberate through the nervous and endocrine systems, so that in
animal models there may be altered neuroendocrine function for weeks after
ceasing fluoxetine. Even 60 days after discontinuation of fluoxetine, the
oxytocin response in animals was still significantly reduced by 26% compared
with controls.
Transient dystonias and
dyskinesias of the jaw have presviously been described with SSRIs (Fitzgerald
& Healy, 1995). This report considers four patients on SSRIs who all
suffered prolonged neurological symptoms for months after discontinuing
their medication
- Mrs A. a 29 year old married lady with a moderate depressive
disorder was switched to paroxetine by her general practitioner after an
initial prescription of dothiepin. She had found the tricyclic dothiepin too
sedating and after a week or so of this medication requested a change. After
two weeks on paroxetine 20 mg daily she was reviewed by a consultant
psychiatrist who increased the dose to 40 mg daily. The patient suffered a
dystonic reaction to the paroxetine that required physician review and
admission, but apparently responded well to procyclidine. The paroxetine was
discontinued. Unfortunately the dystonic reaction persisted off all medication
and required further medical admission and the re-prescription of
procyclidine. The depression continued unabated and a tricyclic was started
with some improvement in mood. Seven months after the paroxetine had been
stopped the tardive dystonia was noted to be present and to vary with anxiety
levels, body posture, alertness, and emotional state.
- A
35-year-old man (Mr B) was prescribed paroxetine 30 mg daily for depression.
The depression resolved and the paroxetine was continued at the same dose for
two years. The medication was discontinued in a staged way, with reductions to
20, then 10 mg, managed over six weeks or so. Symptoms of withdrawal occurred
throughout this period and comprised vivid nightmares, lability of mood,
irritability, hypersexuality, episodic lightheadedness, episodic
electric-shock like sensations, glove paraesthesiae, and ataxia. These
symptoms ended two weeks after the withdrawal regime was finished.
Nevertheless the patient continued to describe problems of an episodic nature
well after the paroxetine had been discontinued. These episodes lasting hours
to days at a time and comprised paraesthesiae, dizziness, mild ataxia, and
slurred speech. These episodes have occurred intermittently throughout twelve
months of follow-up during which time the patient has been drug-free. There
are no focal neurological signs or any features suggestive of progressive
neurological disease, nor was there a family history of neurological
- Mrs
C., a 29-year-old mother of one, became ill with depression when her son was
aged eight months. She was suicidal and required hospital admission where she
was started on fluoxetine 20 mg daily. The antidepressant worked well and her
mood was restored within four weeks of admission. She was discharged home, but
commented that her sleep was occasionally disturbed by bad dreams and she was
aware of twitching in the bed. She was kept on the fluoxetine for a further
twelve months and at outpatient reviews mentioned that her sleep was still
occasionally disturbed by nocturnal twitching. She said that her husband had
started to sleep separately, because he was 'tired of being kicked' in the
middle of the night. The fluoxetine was discontinued eighteen months after the
admission. Mrs C described no worsening of her mood and was euthymic and
outpatient review. However, she was distressed to report that her nocturnal
twitching, which took the form of sudden myoclonic jerks of her limbs, had
actually worsened off fluoxetine. During the day these abnormal involuntary
movements were less marked and more easily disguised, but nonetheless
problematic for the patient. At follow-up eight months after discontinuation
the untoward myoclonic jerks were continuing. There are no focal neurological
signs or any features suggestive of progressive neurological disease, nor was
there a family history of neurological disease.
D., a 49 year old health professional was prescribed 20 mg paroxetine daily in
April 2000 for a depressive disorder. This relieved the depression, but aftr
three months the patient started to develop paresthesiae in the right hand,
and some weeks later experienced her fingers being 'fumbly'. She visited her
GP and complained that although her mood was satisfactory there were
unpleasant side effects. He asked her to reduce the dose to 10 mg daily. Mrs D
began to experience painful, restless legs at night and vivid dreams. The
tingling in her hand spread into her body and head. After a week of the 10 mg
dose the patient discontinued the paroxetine altogether in the belief that the
paroxetine would be out of her system in a few days and her symptoms would
subside. The symptoms however persisted. She took a week off work, but the
following symptoms persisted for the next three months:
- paraesthesiae
in hands and feet spreading up arms and legs intermittently
- stiffness in
calf muscles
- unsteadiness on
her feet with wide gait
- clumsy
- loose
- disinhibited
These symptoms
appeared worst at the end of the day, following heavy physical work,and with
even small amounts of alcohol. By December, four months after discontinuing
the paroxetine most of the symptoms had reduced in severity to near
E., a 48 year old woman was prescribed citalopram by her GP for eleven months.
The indication for the prescription was chronic anxiety. For fifteen months
folowing the discontinuation of this therapy she suffered headaches and
dizziness. She also complained of a fluttering sensation across her scalp. To
date there has been little improvement.
- Discussion
- These five patients all
demonstrated neurological side effects or withdrawal effects that occurred
either during SSRI therapy or in the discontinuation phase associated with an
SSRI. However, these neurological effects persisted for months after
discontinuation and in most cases persist up until the time of writing.
Whether the association with treatment or discontinuation is causal could be
debated, but the chronological association seems good and three of the five
patients (Mr B, Mrs C and Mrs D) were psychotropic drug-naïve at the start of
the SSRI therapy and wholly drug free following this.
- The three SSRIs
prescribed and mentioned above (fluoxetine, paroxetine and citalopram) differ
in terms of structural and pharmacokinetic properties, but share a relatively
selective ability to affect serotonin re-uptake. Paroxetine and citalopram
have a relatively short half-life and it may be that they are more prone to
association withe discontinuation effects and PANES.
- It may be that this
common ability of the SSRIs (to affect serotonin re-uptake), or an indirect
consequence of this ability is responsible for these persistent adverse
neurological effects. These effects appear to have been first described
in this report.
- There is something of a
similarity to the effects seen after benzodiazepine discontinuation (Ashton,
1987). In benzodiazpine witrhdrawal the symptoms occur 1-2 weeks after
withdrawal and may persist to some degree. Th mechanism is thought to be
related to GABA-ergic systems.
- Further case reports
and surveillance data are needed to establish the significance or otherwise of
what we propose to be persistent adverse neurological effects of SSRIs
the author
- Dr Ben Green, MRCPsych,
- Consultant
Psychiatrist, Halton Hospital, UK and Hon. Senior Lecturer, University of
Liverpool, UK
- References
Ashton, H (1987)Brain
systems, disorders and psychotropic drugs. Oxford, OUP.
Fitzgerald K, Healy, D.
(1995) Dystonias and dyskinesias of the jaw associated with the use of SSRIs.
Human Psychopharmacology, 10, 215-219.
- Raap DK; Garcia F; Muma
Na et al. (1999) Sustained desensitization of hypothalamic
5-Hydroxytryptamine1A receptors after discontinuation of fluoxetine: inhibited
neuroendocrine responses to 8-hydroxy-2-(Dipropylamino)Tetralin in the absence
of changes in Gi/o/z proteins. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, Feb, 288:2, 561-7.
Rosenbaum JF; Fava
M; Hoog SL; Ascroft RC; Krebs WB (1998) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
discontinuation syndrome: a randomized clinical trial [see comments] Biol
Psychiatry, 1998 Jul, 44:2, 77-87.
Schatzberg AF; Haddad P;
Kaplan EM et al. (1997) Serotonin reuptake inhibitor discontinuation syndrome: a
hypothetical definition. Discontinuation Consensus panel. J Clin Psychiatry,
1997, 58 Suppl 7:, 5-10
See also Venlafaxine - long-term adverse
effects (2002)
Version 1.0
published Spring 2000
Version 2.0
published November 2000
Version 2.0
published December 2000
Version 2.1
published September 2002
Version 2.2
published January 2003
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