18. Jan. 2004  
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Jan. 18, 2004

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Doctors' Warning About Drug
BERLIN. The German Medical Association's drug commission warned its members on Friday to be more careful in prescribing Zyban, after the unexplained deaths of five users of the drug, which helps people quit smoking. The drug can lead to "severe allergic reactions as well as side effects in the central and peripheral nervous systems," said Professor Knut-Olaf Haustein, adding that such individuals were more susceptible to circulatory system problems. The commission also warned that Zyban can cause depression. The commission and the federal agency responsible for prescription drugs stressed that it was not certain Zyban had caused any deaths, but the agency called on the European Union to examine the drug's risk profile. (dpa)

Explosives Found in Train Station
FLENSBURG. Police said a cache of explosives was found Friday inside a locker in the train station in Flensburg, near the Danish border. The police declined to divulge the type and amount of explosives found, but said there was no indication of any terrorist connection. The station was closed for about half an hour. (dpa)

Arrests in Armored Car Theft
ESSLINGEN. The theft of  euro 1 million ($835,000) from an armored car led to the arrest of three men, including the driver, on Friday. Police said the driver, 25, and two male accomplices met in a bank where a cash delivery was being made on Thursday, and fled on foot in this town near Stuttgart. Most of the money was still missing, police said. In the Lower Saxony city of Braunschweig, meanwhile, an armored car company reported that  euro 300,000 had been stolen. The theft probably occurred on Jan. 14, but the company said it had hoped an audit would turn up the money. (AP, dpa)

Probe Over Teen's Driving
VOERDE. A prosecutor said on Friday he was investigating the parents of a 14-year-old boy to determine if they had given him permission to take their car before he caused an accident on Wednesday that left two people dead. The prosecutor, Gerd Unterberg, said there were allegations that the parents routinely allowed the boy, who received only minor injuries in the crash, to take their car out. (dpa)Feb. 8, 2002

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