IL Children's Mental Health Act - good
intentions gone very wrong - six letters
(See related columns/letters below)
Thank you, Illinois Leader for your coverage of the
Illinois Children's Mental Health Act as well as the linkage to
President Bush's New Freedom Report ["IL
Children's Mental Health Plan gives legislators headache,"
August 17, 2004].
I have been following the Illinois Children's Mental Health Act
preliminary plan's call to action. Unfortunately, there appear to be
many similarities between the Republican President’s New Freedom
Report and Democratic Governor Blagojevich's Mental Health
There is increasing pressure on parents by school staff to have
their children put on drugs (Ritalin, anti-depressants, et al) in
order for these young growing bodies to sit in a classroom. There
are studies regarding the dangers of these drugs on children.
Understanding that there are a few cases of children with physical
imbalances that can be corrected via drugs, I still find the
oversight message very disturbing.
From the President's mandate: "(c) Formulate policy options
that could be implemented by public and private providers, and
federal, state, and local governments to integrate the use of
effective treatments and services, improve coordination among
service providers, and improve community integration for adults with
serious mental illnesses and children with serious emotional
The above is an invasive implementation of policy in regards to
parental and family control. Many Illinois school districts already
have five school contacts allowed with a guidance counselor or
social worker without notification of parents and/or subsequent
disclosure to parents of any information regarding their children.
These policies will only suck in more governmental agencies to
"partner" with the school system, but will not respect and recognize
the importance of parental control.
My family homeschools our two youngest children. President Bush's
quote: "And like physical illness, it is treatable, especially
when the treatment comes early;”
Followed by more of his plan: President Bush identified another
obstacle, the fragmented mental health service delivery system. The
President said that mental health centers and hospitals, homeless
shelters, the justice and school systems have contact with
individuals suffering from mental disorders but that too many
Americans fall through the cracks of the current system. The
President said he created the Commission to ensure “that the cracks
are closed.”
The President concluded by saying, “We must work for a
welcoming and compassionate society, a society where no American is
dismissed, and no American is forgotten."
Zero to give years of age involves amazing but normal and
non-standardized changes in a child's physical and mental functions.
It is an infringement on individual rights to have this wavy line of
"mental illness" hanging over children's and families' heads before
and after compulsory attendance age regarding education. Universal
mental health screening of pregnant women and their babies is
unacceptable to my choice and freedoms as a homeschooler and even
more as a native Illinoisan and United States citizen.
Using governmental agencies and systems to ensure "that the
cracks are closed" is unfortunate.
I am very much a part of my community and my society. I am happy
to not be a "partner" to any governmental agency. My children are
under my husband's and my own "sovereign parental instruction;” I
intend on keeping it that way and will fight any attempts to
override the idea that we as parents need a bureaucratic "partner".
I am very happy to be "forgotten" in the sense of the governmental
Big Brother watching over my family.
I thought that the Republican Party was a minimalist legislation
party, but this is not what I have seen in this administration. The
President and other Illinois Republicans had my vote four years ago,
but I am sorry to say that I am looking to alternative candidates.
I'll close with this quote [found on the web at] that was stated in
1973 but seems to be finally coming to implementation in 2004:
"Along the way to this milestone, important way
stations were reached beyond the scope of this book to list. The
strand I’ve shown is only one of many in the tapestry. The
psychological goals of this project and the quality of mind in
back of them are caught fairly in the keynote address to the 1973
Childhood International Education Seminar in Boulder, Colorado,
delivered by Harvard psychiatrist Chester M. Pierce. This quote
appears to have been edited out of printed transcripts of the
talk, but was reported by newspapers in actual attendance:
Every child in America entering school at the age of five is
mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances
to our founding fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his
parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the
sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It’s up to you as
teachers to make all these sick children well-by creating the
international child of the future."
Susan Ryan
Farmer City
I think we should all be on alert and concerned on this
overreaching legislation. The room for abuse by over zealous and
suspect "experts" in evaluating children is huge. Let me illustrate
the nature of the concern. In the Chicago Sun-Times on
Monday May 17, 2004, was an article with the heading: "Spending on
attention deficit drugs for children under 5 soars 369%".
Behavioral medicines are now being targeted at our children whose
only crime is they act like children. Who will safeguard the
potential abuse in this system and why is it that today there needs
to be such intervention? To me this is another example of shoddy
thinking and supposed good intentions gone wrong.
Steve Kitcoff
I strongly disagree with any state or federal mandatory
examination of my child's emotional, mental, and/or psychological
health. My family's medical concerns are private matters and are
none of the government's business.
I would never allow anyone to invade our minds, medical records,
or home because "someone" or "group of idiots" recommends it because
"it sounds good to me...”. As a Real Parent, I would be failing in
my parental duties if I allowed anyone to probe into my child's
mind, private thoughts, and/or imagination for any reason.
I take serious issue with the pharmaceutical companies’ pursuit
to make plenty of "cold hard cash" while they breed and produce
"legal drug addicts" for their own profit!
The victims of this outrageous idea would be the same "class
members" the US Government regularly targets for experimentation and
profit e.g., the poor, weak, minority, uneducated, under privileged,
ignorant, unprotected, young, and vulnerable citizens of these
"United States".
The nerve of these so called "elected pretenders" invading the
right to privacy that the United States Constitution guarantees to
us all. If this is such a great idea, then let their children be the
first signed up, tested, placed in the data-base - labeled, drugged,
and tracked for life!
If anyone would dare approach my child to administer any kind of
"exam", on her other than routine classroom quizzes, test, or
homework, they had better be prepared to face me, a "Real Mother,"
and our "family attorney" in the highest court of this land, the
U.S. Supreme Court, on "civil, parental, and rights to privacy"
violations and the United Nation on charges of violation of the
treaty on the "prevention and crime of genocide"!
Ms. Toni Stith
This law is outrageous. And we in Illinois haven't even heard of
it! How can we get it overturned? We do not want drug companies
running the country.
Gina Orlando
Oak Park
I have been watching the comments about the Children's Mental
Health Act of 2003 that was signed last year by the Governor and is
now becoming a huge problem for not only the people of Illinois but
also for the legislators, since what is being implemented seems
different from what the legislators were voting into law.
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights was established by the
Church of Scientology in 1969 to investigate psychiatric violations
of human rights and has been very active in getting the violations
of human rights being proposed by the implementation of this law
exposed to the public in Illinois. The Leader has been
very instrumental in getting the word out regarding this horrible
The most insidious of the proposals is that pregnant women be
screened before and after delivery for post partum depression. "Post
partum" means after delivery and they want to screen women
before delivery. This can only be for one purpose - to put
the woman on psychiatric drugs "to prevent depression," but actually
the drugs are so addictive and everyone knows the effects that drugs
can have on babies in the womb - the children will be born addicted
to the drugs. This is cruel and unusual punishment for the unborn to
be sentenced to drug addition.
Please continue to get the word out on this law and get people
writing to their state senators and representatives. The
ramifications of this law go well into our children's futures and if
it is up to the architects of the implementation of this law, those
children will be on drugs for life. And the fat cat psychiatrists
will walk away with money stuffed in their pockets - our tax money.
Lynn Ward
Citizens Commission on Human
The screening of our children is just the beginning of the
Pharmaceutical Industries intent to drug America and make them pay
for it whether they agree to it or not.
It is well known this industry has been a huge contributor to
many of our so called elected representatives who are compromising
our elected mandate to watch out for the citizens' freedoms and what
is best for all citizens instead of taking care of those
corporations who fill their campaign chests with money.
The world we once knew no longer exists. Watching out for each
other has been replaced in Washington by greed, obtaining fortunes,
and re-election lies to keep their power and keep the money coming
in. Their history over the past 20 years shows even our freedom of
speech and our freedom of choice is for sale to the highest bidder
to most of our elected so called representatives.
President Bush has taken this mission to an all time high with
his tax cuts and no criminal accountability for Corporate America -
and the Pharmaceutical Industry is one of the largest.
Unless the citizens stand together and throw out of office those
elected who have passed laws favoring corporations over the
citizens, we will all be working for corporate dictators who will
own our country and it's citizens. We could all take lessons from
our fore-fathers who rebelled against the British Tyrants that held
them hostage.
Ila Swan
Vacaville, CA
Related columns/letters:
Mental Health task force hearings continue through Friday," July
21, 2004
parental rights in IL - 2 letters," July 21, 2004
OPINION: Maybe legislators should be mentally evaluated, too,"
July 23, 2004
health screening - six letters," July 23, 2004
readers express outrage with mental health screening plan for
expectant mothers and children 18 yrs and younger," July 26,
OPINION: Universal mental health screenings: a call to rally,"
July 27, 2004
OPINION: Universal mental health screening would be a waste of
resources," July 28, 2004
doctors weigh in on mental health screening," July 30,
LAMPOON: Mental health screening arrives in Illinois . . . too
late," August 13, 2004
mental health screening - two letters," August 16, 2004
OPINION: Mental health and world citizenship - the history of
government involvement," August 16, 2004
Children's Mental Health Plan gives legislators headache,"
August 17, 2004
simply a crazy idea - six letters on IL mental health
screening," August 18, 2004
Articles, columns, and letters to the editor on the topic of
health care can be accessed by clicking here
to view our Health Care issues category, or you can click
on it on the left side of our home page under "Issues."
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