Watch Health Team 9 reports every day of the week starting at 5:30 a.m. on Capital News 9.
Stem Cell debate continues There are two sides in the stem cell debate. It depends on when you think life begins. The family of the late president Ronald Reagan has been very vocal about their opinion on stem cell research. FULL STORY>>7/31/2004 5:00 AM
Fighting off Alzheimers The next time you check into the hospital make its a four star and there is some new information in the fight against Alzheimers. FULL STORY>>7/31/2004 5:00 AM
Understanding phobias According to the American Psychiatric Association, it's the most common psychiatric illness among women of all ages and the second most common illness among men over the age of 25. But when does a fear of something start becoming a serious medical issue? FULL STORY>>Updated: 7/30/2004 12:18 PM
Health benefits to "Casual Friday" The case for expanding "Casual Friday" to the rest of the work week just got stronger. Dressing down at the office seems to help people stay in shape by making it easier to fit in more physical activity during the work day. FULL STORY>>7/30/2004 5:00 AM
Easing the pain with pilates Chores like gardening and cleaning can cause you lots of aches and pains. Health Team 9's Kristina Krawchuk has some easy ways to help make it a less painful experience. FULL STORY>>7/29/2004 10:20 AM
Med school graduates begin residency programs Get sick in the month of July and some people will beg not to be taken to a teaching hospital -- because that's the month when medical school graduates begin residency programs. But are those fears founded? FULL STORY>>7/29/2004 5:00 AM
Keeping the weight off during vacations Family vacations can mean fun and lots of food; but for some who are not careful, they could come home with more than just memories. FULL STORY>>7/28/2004 5:00 AM
Recovering from mental illness There are many aspects to recovering from mental illness. One of the most important parts of recovery is reintegrating into social situations. FULL STORY>>7/27/2004 3:39 PM
Concerns with prescribed drugs There are certain leaps of faith we take where our health is concerned. You might assume for instance that your doctor has carefully weighed the pros and cons of whatever drugs she prescribes for you. But, what if the cons are hidden from view? FULL STORY>>7/27/2004 5:00 AM
Health Watch What's your favorite color? If you're over the age of 60, it should be green -- when it comes to vegetables. FULL STORY>>7/26/2004 5:00 AM
Team in Training helps athletes Need some motivation to get into an exercise routine and get in shape? There are many charities that can use your help and match you with an exercise program and make a difference in someone's life at the same time. FULL STORY>>7/26/2004 5:00 PM
Tone Up Tuesday - using an exercise ball Going to the gym may not always be fun. But in this week's Tone Up Tuesday, Health Team 9's Marcie Fraser demonstrates how to have a ball when you exercise. FULL STORY>>Updated: 3/30/2004 5:00 AM
Do you have a question, comment or a story idea? Send an email to Health Team 9.