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Adverse event reporting
with selective serotonin-reuptake
Hartnell NR, Wilson JP, Patel NC,
Crismon ML.
College of Pharmacy, Dalhousie University,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
OBJECTIVE: The Weber effect is a
phenomenon which states that the number of reported adverse reactions
for a drug increases until the middle to end of the second year of
marketing. The purpose of this study was to examine the number of
adverse event reports associated with specific selective
serotonin-reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) use. METHODS: Data used in this
study included voluntary adverse event reports submitted to the US
federal government through the Spontaneous Reporting System and Adverse
Event Reporting System. Adverse event reports were analyzed for the
following SSRIs: citalopram, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, and
sertraline. RESULTS: Adverse event reporting associated with fluvoxamine
demonstrates the Weber effect. Adverse events related to fluoxetine,
paroxetine, and sertraline do not exhibit the Weber effect.
Fluoxetine-related adverse events peaked at year 3, with peaks also
occurring during the 10th and 12th years after market entry. Adverse
event reports associated with paroxetine and sertraline use increased
5-8 years after market entry. CONCLUSIONS: Within 1 class of
medications, it is possible for a few agents to exhibit the Weber
effect, while there is no definite pattern with others. A new
observation in adverse event reporting is introduced and suggests that a
peak in adverse event reporting occurs 1-2 years after a medication
receives approval for a new indication. Future research is necessary to
validate this effect and examine the generalizability to other
PMID: 14519041 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]