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Effects of serotonin and
fluoxetine on blood glucose regulation in two decapod
Santos EA, Keller R, Rodriguez E, Lopez
Laboratorio de Zoofisiologia, Departamento de Ciencias
Fisiologicas, Fundacao Universidade do Rio Grande, Rio Grande, Rio
Grande, RS, Brasil. euclydes@crab.octopus.furg.br
One of the best
known crustacean hormones is the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH).
However, the mechanisms involved in hormone release in these animals are
poorly understood, and thus constitute the central objective of the
present study. Different groups of crustaceans belonging to diverse taxa
(Chasmagnathus granulata, a grapsid crab and Orconectes limosus, an
astacid) were injected with serotonin, fluoxetine, or a mixture of both,
and glycemic values (C. granulata and O. limosus) and CHH levels (O.
limosus) were determined after 2 h in either submerged animals or
animals exposed to atmospheric air. Both serotonin and fluoxetine caused
significant hyperglycemia (P<0.05) after injection into the blood
sinus of the two species, an effect enhanced after exposure to
atmospheric air. In C. granulata blood glucose increased from 6.1 to
43.3 and 11.4 mg/100 ml in submerged animals and from 5.7 to 55.2 and
22.5 mg/100 ml in air-exposed animals after treatment with serotonin and
fluoxetine, respectively. In O. limosus the increases were from 1.2 to
59.7 and 135.2 mg/100 ml in submerged animals and from 2.5 to 200.3 and
193.6 mg/100 ml in air-exposed animals after treatment with serotonin
and fluoxetine, respectively. Serotonin and fluoxetine also caused a
significant increase in the circulating levels of CHH in O. limosus,
from 11.9 to 43 and 45.7 fmol/ml in submerged animals and from 13.2 to
32.6 and 45.7 fmol/ml in air-exposed animals, respectively, thus
confirming their action as neuroregulators in these
PMID: 11151031 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]